Tailor - made Programs

Michael’s tailor-made programs are designed for people or companies who seek a more personalized or in-depth approach, who have particular health concerns or who wish to implement a regimen for a healthy mind and body. Each program is distinctly personalized to fulfill its mission statement of transforming your stress into vitality and is the perfect fusion of learning and unwinding in a warm, relaxing and nurturing atmosphere.

Michael’s inexhaustible repertoire of subject matters, be it in a class, during a healing session or during a retreat make for a captivating, interactive adventure.

Most of the retreats and workshops are directed toward smaller intimate groups in order to foster attention to details at every level and a highly personal guidance from Michael.

Private Consultations and Classes

A private consultation or a private class is a great way to begin to transform your stress into vitality, today". Michael offers a complimentary session to get to know you and your personal concerns. It is important for you to feel comfortable with Michael’s personalized approach addressing your health and wellness challenges and goals.

Dr. Michael Hamilton has been a dedicated student and practitioner of Oriental Medicine for almost a half-century, while studying with the world's greatest Masters. Widely recognized as an international teacher, Dr. Hamilton combines the healing arts of Qigong, Tai Chi Chuan and Zen Martial Arts, with Acupuncture, Chinese Body Treatments, and Mindfulness Meditation for internal balance and harmony. He has become a Living Master.

Edward A. Taub, M.D. President
The Wellness Medical Institute

How empowering to explore our energetic edges in the simplicity and beauty of the Tao, and to learn to push past our narrow perceptions of what we thought we were capable of. All of us, whether we were dealing with cancer, Parkinson’s disease, infection, fibromyalgia, injuries, surgeries, etc., discovered a strength and resilience that we had forgotten how to tap into, thanks to your encouragement, Standing... Breathing... Smiling...

Nikki Rood

Before, I didn't know how to let it go, how to surrender, and thanks to you and to the safe and caring space that you created for me,I could completely surrender this, if just for a few minutes, to the mystery of life.At the end of the series of treatments, I felt carried and renewed.I know that those moments of total surrender have thoroughly changed my life.

Nancy Lezzard


New asian therapy, energy therapy, abdominal therapy, breathing therapy.

From hands-on therapeutic bodywork to distant healing, Michael is here to answer your specific health concerns and address them.


Speaking and teaching engagements are available for small and big groups, whether in a corporate or private setting. Michael will travel to a destination to teach a class, present a workshop or host a retreat.

I was able to experience first hand the healing qualities, the strengthening qualities, and also the magnificent presentation skills. When I got back to work I realized that a lot of people in our company could benefit from what Michael, lived and taught. So I asked him to give a program to our senior management. I was pleasantly surprised as the way they engaged and the buzz that followed, so much so that we brought him back to give a program to a larger group.

My plan is to bring him back periodically as a type of “booster shot” due to the long term health benefits. He certainly won over this group of “New Englanders”.

Paul B. Dean, M. D., M. P. H., F. A. A. D.
Practicing Dermatologist and Public Health Specialist

Michael has been a source of knowledge and inspiration for me for many years. A Doctor of Oriental Medicine, he has taught me many helpful techniques for mindfulness, physical well-being, and stress reduction. In 2016, Nelly and I brought a group of 10 friends to Two Bunch Palms Resort to experience Michael expertise and approach to health and wellness. The group as a whole was highly impressed by his humor, directness, simplicity, and expertise, so much so that we invited him to our home for a three day workshop with our group.

Paul B. Dean, M. D., M. P. H., F. A. A. D.
Practicing Dermatologist and Public Health Specialist